Woke up in the 6.00 am. Brushed my teeth and went to IRON my shirt and pants. Than ie went to adjust my pants and made everything perfect, no mistakes. Hoping that she will be happier. Did everything for her, just for her. Waited till 12 pm and set off to ehub, thinking its a better place than whitesands. She couldn't make it to Tm so i had no other choice. Waited there STUPIDLY like a FUCKNUT. She said that her fwens are going to be there for lunch and she did not want to go liao. too shy. than i keep asking her to go, but all she would say is the FUCKING 'dont want . It's like she dun even fuck care if im dead or wad. ' Hurt my god damn motherfucking cb nb feelings. Even prepared to lend her Mr Tan's thumbdrive, somemore 4 gig, WHICH SHE WANT FOR HER 'AUDITION'. So now i have no choice to type this Fucking post. Dammmn hurt my fucking feelings for her. she didnt even realise it at all -.- all she cares is her 'face' and nvr even think about a GUY WHO HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR HER 1 HR. prepared everything for her, my outfit, time venue and even checked online for the movies shows. making it a perfect plan for us. But it ended like this, which was not supposed to be.......
U would never noe i feel. the way of being abandoned for what u've done preciously.
*But it's alright :D